Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 6

I'm going to jump right in here, on Day 6, to report that we HAVE COMB! I spotted it this morning just before I left for work. As has been the case on the other cold mornings since the package was installed, the bees were in a big ball-shaped clump up at the top of the hive. We've been looking for the beginnings of drawn comb on the outer bars, but today the bees were moving around just enough in the middle of the cluster that they revealed a beautiful piece of comb right in the middle! They've obviously  been drawing it out for a couple of days. So cool! It's pure white with tiny cells. I'm relieved that the girls will now have something to store pollen and honey in....And hopefully the queen is in the middle of it all doing her thing.

My entomologist colleague, in response to my enthusiasm that they were drawing comb, remaked wrly, "Wow - they actually know what to do!".  Well of course they do...


  1. When I read the line about the girls having something to store pollen and honey in, I thought you meant your human girls. I think I need a nap.
